Friday, January 16, 2015

Moon Sub-Questions Answers

  1. phases:

2.    If someone look at the moon every other day for a week, the appearance will have changed because a cycle of the moon phase is about 28 days, so a week is about a quarter of that cycle which the observer will see changes in the moon’s phase.

3.    It is waxing because the moon is getting fuller.

4.    when the moon is illuminated on the left side, it is going through the waning stage.

5.    Sometimes the moon is visible during the day is because the moon orbit. As it gets closer to becoming a new moon, it might crosses the sun’s path during the day time and so we see the moon during the day

6.    The moon is not visible all the time is because it is a new moon or is a lunar eclipse.


8.    The moon sets at different time every night, later than the previous night.

9.   The “first quarter” got its name because in a full moon phase, the “half moon” is actually a ¼ mark of the whole cycle, so it is the first quarter.

10. 29.5 days

11. The mean distance from the Earth to the moon is 238,855 miles.

12. The mean distance from the Earth to the Sun is 147 million km.

13. 109 of Earth's diameter will fit across the Sun's diameter.

14. 400 of Earth's diameter will fit across the moon's diameter.

15. Only moon can be observed from Earth with the naked eye, but with advanced technology, it is possible to observe other objects in the solar system like meteorites.

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